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Direct Mail Marketing for Small Business

Whether you are starting a new small business or just want to increase your marketing efforts, direct mail can help you connect with customers. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

For starters, you will need to make sure your direct mail has a compelling offer. There are three factors that affect the success of a direct mail campaign: the offer, the mailing list and the response rate.

The offer should be an incentive that is worth the customer's time and money. It can be a promotional offer or a special discount. It should also direct the prospect to a landing page or other online resource.

For a successful direct mail campaign, you should also ensure that the design is attractive. This will include the look of the envelope and the graphic design of the mailing piece. A glossy postcard or catalog will catch the customer's eye. Adding a handwritten note or signature will also add an emotional component to your mail.

The response rate for direct mail is a lot higher than other forms of marketing. The average response rate for the internet is 0.2%, while a direct mail campaign will usually have a response rate of at least 3%. This is much better than the 1% response rate for social media and 1% response rate for email.

When you are setting up a direct mail campaign, it is crucial to know what your goal is and what action you would like to encourage. Using a call to action will help you determine how effective your campaign is.



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